thrifty outdoor Valentine decor


A few days after New Year’s I took down all of my outdoor Christmas lights and decor.  The house looked sad.  Luckily, with Valentine’s day around the corner it was a good excuse to add back some colour and cheer to the front stoop!

wood glitter Valentine heart wreathNot wanting to spend too much, I found this wood and glitter wreath at the dollar store for $2 along with some cute plastic heart picks which cost me another whopping $2.

valentine heart decorTo get even more bang for my measly two bucks I broke the wreath apart into three separate hearts.  It was easy to do since they were only held together by a slim wood dowel.  Next I simply tucked in one of the wood hearts and two plastic heart picks into each of my three outdoor containers/planters. *Note: Remember to choose wood or plastic Valentine decorations if you want to use them outdoors!

outdoor valentine planter

Valentine planterValentine planter

Valntine planterThe bird houses, greenery, icicle ornaments and birch branches were already there as part of my Christmas planters (for more details on that click HERE).  I decided to keep them since they look wintery and outdoorsy (FYI, the snow is real!).  To check out what my planters looked like during the holidays, with the addition of lights and aqua-blue Christmas decorations, click HERE.

valentine decor outsideFor my front door wreath, I hung my good old standy-by, winter themed wreath made of grape vines, real twigs and little bits and pieces of artificial greenery (I’m pretty sure I scored it at Target a few years ago from the Smith & Hawken line).  In the centre I added added a rustic heart wreath which I recently purchased at The Christmas Tree Shop over the holidays for $4.99 (while visiting friends in Pennsylvania).

rustic wreath valentine

valentine door wreathrustic valentine heart wearth Thanks for checking in!  I hope you’re inspired to add a heart, or 3 somewhere to your home!

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