SPRING DECOR PROJECT: 5 minutes & fake flowers


Yes, I purchased fake flowers.  I must be getting old or maybe I’m just channeling some 80’s Laura Ashely vibe.  Anyhow, I’m not ashamed to share this quick little outdoor spring decorating project.

Because the snow around here only melted about 3 weeks ago and we still get frost at night, there is very little outdoor color or options for planting anything… but my planters on the front stoop were looking really sad and empty.

At a trip to the dollar store for Easter goodies, I caught myself admiring the fake  forsythia branches.  We used to have forsythia bushes at our last home, and the bold yellow spring blooms were stunning.  I picked up 9 branches at $1.25 each, for a total of $11.25.  Once home, I went into the wooded area behind our yard to clip some branches, some even had buds.  Each planter got 3 faux forsythia blooms and a handful of real sticks and branches.

We are having some friends and their kids over tomorrow for an Easter Egg Hunt and an afternoon of outdoor fun and fresh air.  I am now proud and amazed at how nice the planters look, how cheap and quick this project was and how it gives the house some much needed (temporary) color and curb appeal.

Happy Easter / Passover / Long Weekend!

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